Jason was proud showing the T-shirt that he wear:
Astro Blaster
Jason was attracted by this professor on
"motorbike" (it was auto-moving).
See how mighty I am, can save a planet, ho...ho...
The sky was getting dark and it was time for Jason
favourite activity: The Haunted House. Averagely,
we queque up for more than 30 minutes to enter
these haunted houses ( each with 3 different theme:
Old Western Hotel, Jungle Sreaming and Alien
Attack!!) None of them are scary enough...
This is “旋轉杯”, 超過癮的,exciting but a bit
See, how much a child (the little girl next to me)
enjoy themself in Disney, her facial expression
tell it all.
Hahahha.. I am going to be asking a lot, is Astro Blaster a roller coaster ride?
The "Professor" idea is so cool ^^ But do you know that they are characters from the Muppets Show? They are called Bunsen and Beaker.
Haunted house looks absolutely fun, and the girl girl's expression is awesome! :Þ
Wow, happy to learn the new characters' name and Cartoon program from you. It seems like you are the "professor" in this world of Cartoon^^
Naaah, I am not really a pro....YET ^^ But you're right, I love cartoons, always have always will =Þ
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