This green furry gentlemen is called "Char Siew". He was quite funny, trying to get our attention. The owner said he does not have any life partner yet as parrot are quite choosy. And they normally stick to one partner only.

This is "Nui Nui", a parrot with the wisdom of 6-years old kid. The owner said he was bought at an expensive price (5 figure). This parrot can sing, talk and "manja" with the owner as shown in the picture. HK Bird Street used to organize bird competition, but no longer popular now.

The backdrop of this picture tells you our location - Bird Street in HK. Is a nice wall painting, isn't it? They are mainly old man who kill their time by watching birds in this street. So, there are 2 types of famous bird (雀) in their daily life: 麻将(有时也称麻雀)及赏雀.

Look carefully, these are not ordinary dustbin, it means for the disposal of DEAD BIRD only.
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